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走近自闭症 Getting Closer to Autism

23/10/6 19:00

CARES参加了由Chinese Microsoft Employee Network (CHIME)微软华人协会组织的线上讲座系列,为华州的华人家庭提供了一场有关自闭症的公开教育讲座:“走近自闭症”。

CARES参加了由Chinese Microsoft Employee Network (CHIME)微软华人协会组织的线上讲座系列,为华州的华人家庭提供了一场有关自闭症的公开教育讲座:“走近自闭症”。我们涵盖的主题包括:什么是自闭症,自闭症的相关数据,自闭症的成因,自闭症的筛查和诊断,自闭症的干预和治疗。我们同时还深入分享了最具成效的自闭症治疗方法——应用行为分析(ABA),以及学区评估和对自闭症学生所提供的支持和帮助。我们希望通过此次讲座,大家可以更了解自闭症人士,并打破一些固有的迷思,增强对这个群体的包容和理解。

CARES joined in a online lecture series organized by CHIME (Chinese Microsoft Employee Network) to provide a public educational lecture for Chinese families named "Getting Closer to Autism." We cover topics including: What is autism, relevant data on autism, the causes, screening, and diagnosis of autism, interventions and treatments for autism, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), as well as information on school district evaluation and support for autism. We hope that this event will help the public to understand the autism community more and help break the myths people might have about people with autism. 



走近自闭症 - 自闭症科普讲座

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